My Art Portfolio - Viviana O.

Drawin my Missing Half

In this project, I had to draw a half of my face looking at the other half of it. I had to draw the missing half of the picture, making it look realistic and shading it correclty. I used a picture taken by Mrs. Lopez in class, which was printed in black and white, and cut it by the half. I chose one of the halfs of the picture and pasted it on a white cartboard. Then, using a pencil, I started to draw on the white space of the cardboard the part of the face that was missing, looking at the part of the picture I hadn't paste on the cardboard, which was the same side as the half I had to draw. Then, using a blending stick, I had to add shades into the drawing to make it look more realistic, as if it was part of the picture. This work was completed in class, and it was really easy and fun to do.
Making this project resulted very interesting. I enjoyed drawing myself, and had a lot of fun copying my facial characteristics and expressions. I found very difficult to draw myself exactly as I looked in the picture, with the same expressions, size and in a way in which I looked proportional. As I began drawing my eyes were misshapen, one was bigger than the other, my nose didn’t look okay and the mouth was too thin or too big. Then, carefully watching every line of the picture, I was able to make a good drawing of myself. The easiest part of the project for me, was adding some shades at the end, because I could look at the picture and use it as a guide to know where to add shades and where to live it bright. At the end, the drawing ended up very nice and realistic, thanks to the effort I put on it.