My Art Portfolio - Viviana O.

PopArt Canvas Painting

This project consisted on drawing a person's face on a small canvas and painting it with one color, with its shades and tints. First of all, what I had to do, was chose a black and white picture of the person I wanted to paint, which was Nick Jonas. Then I had to draw a grid on the canvas, with small squares that were 4x4 cm. I then drew in the picture the same number of squares I had in the canvas, but smaller in size. Once I had the squares both in the picture and in the canvas, I started to draw on the canvas, copying on each square what I saw in the picture. Finally, when that was done, I chose a color and began painting, using different tints and shades, considering the parts of the image that were darker. For doing this project I used acrilic paints. It took many art classes to do this project and I even had to do some work at home.
I put a lot of effort in this project, more effort than in any other I had done before, because painting is something that has to be done carefully, and also because I wanted this project to end up beautiful because I was painting one of my idols. I believe that the easiest part of the project was first of all drawing the squares and the grid in the canvas. Also, copying the image from the picture into the canvas wasn't that hard either, because the grid made everything much easier. The hardest part of the project was the part when I began painting. Chosing which color to use was very difficult, because i didn't know which one will look nice. Also, as I started painting in the class, I tried to paint one tone in every class, so that I wouldn't need to try to make the same color again and that I wouldn't mess up the painting. However, this was a problem because the paint dried and it didn't allow me to blen the colors, and to make clear differences between each tint and shade of the colors. I ended up messing up the picture in the class, so I had to take it home and re-paint on top of it, not letting the paint dry. It was also very challenging because it was the first time using acrilics and working on a canvas. It took a lot of time and effort but it ended up just as I wanted it to.